Project: A scoping review and a survey study

Submitted May 2, 2023.
Status: Closed to applications.

Submitter and Affiliations
Information about the submitter of this project:
  • Affiliation: McGill University Health Centre
  • Degree(s): MD
  • Specialties: General Internal Medicine, Nephrology
This project is not associated with any external affiliations.
Case Report/Case Series
Prospective Research
Systematic Review

My research group and I are conducting multiple projects in the field of kidney transplantation and kidney donation. Our projects use mixed methods and I currently have ongoing qualitative studies, scoping and systematic reviews, survey studies, etc.

Roles and Responsibilities
Data collection and analysis, patient recruitment.
Log in for more information

    Approximate time commitment:
    20 hours per week over a period of 12 weeks.

  • May 27, 2023
    Application deadline

    Apply by the deadline

    Application received

    PI considers yours and other applications

    Decision of interest

    PI decides if they are interested in your application.
    If so, we put you in contact.

    Discussion and start

    You and PI confirm your role and you begin work


    Expected time commitment: 20 hours per week for 12 weeks

  • Aug. 31, 2023
    Date of project completion
